Nexomon vs nexomon extinction
Nexomon vs nexomon extinction

nexomon vs nexomon extinction
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nexomon vs nexomon extinction

Nexomon also have no lore, development, or description – even in your Nexodex (not its actual name). The issue is, there’s no way to track what Nexomon can be caught where. You weaken a Nexomon enough, throw a Nexobox, and hope you get a new buddy when all is said and done. It’s bizarre and feels incredibly cheap – almost like a way to balance out the combat in the worst way possible.Ĭatching Nexomon is alright, but it suffers from ‘early Pokemon syndrome’. There’s nothing you can do about it, you just get smacked in the face.

Nexomon vs nexomon extinction free#

If you knock out a Nexomon in a multi-mon battle, then the enemy gets a free attack. A weird addition to Nexomon is the punishment for doing well. It didn’t matter if I was weak to an enemy, or if my attack was resisted by a specific attack – most combats ended with my guy one-shotting the enemy regardless. All A Bit NaffĮlements come into play, such as fire, earth, wind, etc., and these mix things up on paper, but there’s certainly a balance issue under the hood. There are status ailments, but these can more or less be ignored because hitting something with a big number is almost always preferable. Battles are turn-based and you just wail on each other until someone gets knocked out. This is mostly down to the combat which can quite literally be beaten in your sleep. Well, carry further than the gameplay at least. It’s not particularly well written and it tends to waffle on a bit, but it’s engaging enough to carry the game. It will often put you into positions where one character or another – usually some sort of demi-deity – is perfectly fine tearing your body apart with tornadoes.

nexomon vs nexomon extinction

Unlike its monolithic competitor, Nexomon doesn’t shy away from serious topics, like murder. It’s goofy, yet serious – charming, yet disturbing. I spent more time on the story than I had to because I wanted to hammer home how important the story is in Nexomon. The game truly begins now, and it’s up to you to go on an adventure to capture more Nexomon, force them into dangerous conflicts, and prevent the Nexolord from doing whatever it is he is trying to do. He’s as hilariously edgy as his name suggests. That evil-looking dude turns out to be evil, threatens to more-or-less destroy you, and goes off to do more evil things. You pick your Nexomon from a surprisingly varied lineup of gribblies and kick the snot out of Team Not-Rocket. Just when you think you were going to have a wonderfully normal day, a thief appears and starts assaulting your wheelchair-bound friend, and some Nexoboxes (not making that up) are yeeted in your general direction.

nexomon vs nexomon extinction

You wake up, you go downstairs and a suspiciously evil gentleman is doing suspiciously evil things, and you potter on by as if everything is normal. They won, even more time goes by, and things start to happen. So well, the Nexomon willingly entered into a lifetime of slavery to stop the big bad from destroying everything. It was a pretty awful time, but after generations of conflict, some humans and Nexomon started to get along. Nexomon started killing humans, humans killed them right back. There are very few games in this genre outside of Nintendo’s niche, so that right there gives Nexomon some appeal when played on the chonky lads, the Playstation, and Xbox. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad game, and it doesn’t mean this is a title worth passing up. I’m not going to beat around the bush here, Nexomon fails, like everything else, to usurp its inspiration. Nexomon, a tarted-up port of a mobile game, seeks to change that. Many games try to emulate Pokemon’s success, and frankly, everything from Monster Rancher, to Tem-Tem, to Digimon has failed to capture that captivating formula in quite the same way. Whilst the genre itself existed while Pikachu was still just a sparkle in Nintendo’s eye, it’s almost impossible to separate Pokemon’s influence. Monster catching has been a rather successful subgenre of the humble RPG.

Nexomon vs nexomon extinction code#

Disclaimer – A review code for Nexomon was provided by PQube Games.

Nexomon vs nexomon extinction